Emoto Tomoko Women's Clinic
Total healthcare for all womens
Gynecology & Gender specific medicine
Emoto Tomoko Women’s Clinic is pleased to announce the open of brand-new clinic.
We will provide the total healthcare for women of all ages of
with particular emphasis on the following,
Contraception consult service, General gynecology, Gynecologic oncology,
Mammography screening, Adolescent gynecology, Reproductive medicine,
Urogynecology, Osteoporosis prevention, Gender specific medicine,
Menopausal care including hormone replacement therapy,
alternative medication, and counseling.
Our office is located in the central area of Ube city.
4-8 Kamihara-1 chome, Ube, 755-0022
Open-hour: 9:00-12:00 (Mon-Sat), 14:00-17:30 (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri)
Reservation: 0836-38-5111 (phone)